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Atlantis, Iceland shoot – day 12

A liitle windy, but dry by the time we got to the docks, it was off early Tuesday to Viðey for filming of some scripted sequences for Atlantis, Iceland.

An interview with Guðjón Rúnarsson about the Icelandic GFC bank crisis, then to the Residence for a little late afternoon shut-eye: the Nordica Hilton at 11:30pm for the US election beckoned: KFC, pizza, donuts, life-size cutouts of the 2 candidates, US top-hats – perhaps not particualrly unepected for the Aussie team members, but for Alf, the scene inside the Hilton was eye-popping.

As the early results came in, it was apparent that the crowd was somewhat anticipatory of a Democrat victory. By the time we left at about 3:00am, it was pretty clear that the unthinkable was going to occur. With the crowd noticeably thinning and very few happy people remaining in the hall, we concluded a night cap at the Residence in front of the TV was a better place to be. Except it wasn’t, really. By 4:00 am we’d all abandoned hope and retired to bed, unbelieving. Thank you America (spoiler alert – satire).

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