2nd Traveller departs

Five days to the start of the filming of Atlantis, Iceland in Reykjavik and the Living Not Beige Films advance team (Peter, the Director) boards the plane tonight. Peter will be joined in Reykjavik on Tuesday by Rob, who’ll wing his way up from Spain.
Together with our local producer, Álfheiður Marta Kjartansdóttir of Sagafilm, they will make final preparations for Friday’s camera-roll as well as scouting locations in and around Reykjavik for the following weeks’ activities.
Cole and Rick jump ‘on the bus’ Thursday night for the long haul to Reykjavik via Dubai and Oslo. They’ll be needing their ‘beauty sleep’ on the plane as, once they arrive late Friday afternoon, it is straight into filming in readiness for the following day’s Iceland elections. Forget the thought of jet-lag, it’ll be living not beige to the max.
As for Friday night’s filming – you’ll need to wait for another post!