Atlantis, Iceland shoot – day 1
The film crew flew in on Friday afternoon and, as is with all things #AtlantisIceland nature played its required role and gave them clear skies as they flew in from the East.
The moaning about being in row 29 of 34 soon passed as the guys realised that their right-hand window seat meant the low sun to the south had given them an extraordinarily rare opportunity to shoot the glaciers and highlands from 11,000m. The boys duly obliged.
Landing a little late, at 4pm because of headwinds, Cole and Rick were picked up by Álfheiður (Alf, our Sagafilm assigned local producer) for the 50 minute ride into Reykjavik. After a short delay (whist supplies of red sustenance were collected at the duty free store on the way in on instruction from the advance crew), they were on their way again. A bit over 29 hours since the Adelaide takeoff.
A short stop off at the advance team’s B&B to collect the other bodies (Peter and Rob) and it was off to @MokkaKaffi for the first #LivingNotBeigeFilms recorded interview.
With a flat white to perk them up, Cole and Rick settled in to their camera duties as Peter conducted the interview with Helga Þórey Jónsdóttir, the former editor of the Reykjavik Grapevine, and the person who first answered Peter’s query about the 3 girls from Sans Soleil. Or another way of putting it, the person instrumental in giving the #AtlantisIceland project such a strong connection to that legendary film.
Being troupers all, after a quick stop to drop bags at the overnight palace set aside for the film crew (well, somewhat of an exaggeration, but not too much!) it was off again with camera gear in hand. Destination -Gaukirinn. And what was the lure – a halloween drag party of course.
MC for the show … well more to come in that regard and we don’t want to give away all of our secrets, do we? Let’s just say that there were a few really valuable “vox pops” and some great footage. Where does this fit in the #AtlantisIceland project? Well, you’ve already been told – it’s our secret.
In any event, it was a very successful first night’s filming and we all returned to our digs well satisfied with our collective efforts. Tomorrow – election day!